August 23, 2014

Gabriella Szabo/MTA - Italia Routolo/MTA - Jessica Allain/ADI - Norma J Burnell/ADI - Natasha Wescoat/MTA - Sherry Cotton/MTA - Leslie Ann Giese/MTA

Now onto the next sets of shares.


Ariane Soares/MTA - Carolina Seabra - David Alexander/AIL - Elaina Wagner/ADI - Fantasio/MTA - FreeImages

As you may have guessed I'm behind again, what's new right?  LOL.  Well, I hope to be caught up soon as my world is starting to get back to normal, well as normal as felineland can be - LOL.  I do have a number of shares for you all tonight from some great artists.  Please remember not to use these artist's work without a proper license.



List Taggage - Corrected

I goofed the first time, this is the corrected post.  My mind was somewhere else, sorry guys.

I really like how this one came out, so I added bunches and bunches of names.  Go have a look for yours.  If you find yours isn't there, just let me know.  I'll be happy to add it to my list.

There is also a stationary/snaggable set for you, too.